

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Tonight I got the news that a friend of mine lost her fiance to a sudden and massive heart attack. This news made me really stop and think. It made me think how precious life is. It then got me to thinking if I knew that today was my last day on earth what would I want to leave behind for my family. What would I leave for my husband and what advise would I leave behind for my children. It is then that I started to write a list of life advise from Mom. Which as I read the list over it made me think, you know what I need to put this into a book for my children. Yes I plan on being here to see my children grow and start families of their own, to see my grandchildren and to hold my husbands hand all alone the way. We never know though what is instored for us.
This book that I want to put together for my kids will be a book that will very well help them through out their lives. It may also be a book that they could pass onto their kids. Some of the points I want to make in the book is:
Family is family. No matter the highs and lows we may have we will always be family and be there for each other.
That you are loved for you. That you are like no one else out there and that you are special.
Remember to thank your Heavenly Father for your blessings everyday. Life will throw you some hard knocks, but your blessing will be what helps you get back up and keep moving.
That staying true to your values and beliefs are important.
To always be a honest person.
To always set goals and try new things.
To surround yourself with good friends and family,
To tell those around you that you love them.
To work your hardest and best in whatever you do.
This is just some of the ideas for my children's advise book.
For my husband I am writing him a book of 100 things I love about you. He is truly my best friend and I am certain I can think of 100 things I love about this man.
I am so greatful for everything I have been blessed with and I hope that we can all just take the time today to tell our loved ones what they mean to us.

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