

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

My house is decorated for Halloween how about you? hese are just some of the things I have hanging around my house. All are super easy and can be found in our template gallery. Just search Halloween and you will find these and many more. I love the idea of taking old Halloween photos and displaying them in your decor. Check out my website www.countlessmemories.com. Also if you have any ideas of Halloween decor you like to have in your house please feel free to share.



I love the Subway Art that is out right now and they are so simple, funa nd inexpensive to make with HM. Pick and choose, frame and hang or put on a easle.




Thursday, September 6, 2012

A friend of mine shared this poem with me the other day. The author of the poem is unknown to the best of my knowledge. When I read it though I new I needed to make one for myself. I made a llx14 print that I will hang in my office. I then made a postcard and will attach a magnet to the back of it. That way everytime I get into the fridge I will see this and do the mental checklist. As Mom's we want to be the best Mom we can be. I loved how this poem emphasized those things that I know that I can be a lot better about. In all of us we want the best for our kids. I love being a Mom and wife and I love how Heritage Makers makes it simple for me to create beautiful reminders when I run across incredible poems like this. Children truly are God's Gift to us.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Tonight I got the news that a friend of mine lost her fiance to a sudden and massive heart attack. This news made me really stop and think. It made me think how precious life is. It then got me to thinking if I knew that today was my last day on earth what would I want to leave behind for my family. What would I leave for my husband and what advise would I leave behind for my children. It is then that I started to write a list of life advise from Mom. Which as I read the list over it made me think, you know what I need to put this into a book for my children. Yes I plan on being here to see my children grow and start families of their own, to see my grandchildren and to hold my husbands hand all alone the way. We never know though what is instored for us.
This book that I want to put together for my kids will be a book that will very well help them through out their lives. It may also be a book that they could pass onto their kids. Some of the points I want to make in the book is:
Family is family. No matter the highs and lows we may have we will always be family and be there for each other.
That you are loved for you. That you are like no one else out there and that you are special.
Remember to thank your Heavenly Father for your blessings everyday. Life will throw you some hard knocks, but your blessing will be what helps you get back up and keep moving.
That staying true to your values and beliefs are important.
To always be a honest person.
To always set goals and try new things.
To surround yourself with good friends and family,
To tell those around you that you love them.
To work your hardest and best in whatever you do.
This is just some of the ideas for my children's advise book.
For my husband I am writing him a book of 100 things I love about you. He is truly my best friend and I am certain I can think of 100 things I love about this man.
I am so greatful for everything I have been blessed with and I hope that we can all just take the time today to tell our loved ones what they mean to us.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

My sister is doing a Hungry Caterpillar's theme for her 1st grade kids. She asked me to make a bookmark for each of her kids to help them remember the goals they set for themselves in reading. I love how Heritage Makers helps me personalize any project I may think of. They have thousands of pieces of artwork that make it easy for me to put projects like this together. What is great as well is that I can share this with anyone who may have a HM account. Then in turn that person can copy this exactly or change it to fit their style. The possibilities are endless and they are so much fun. I can not wait to hear how the kids react to this bookmark.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

You can get the full Heritage Makers tour. Click on this link http://www.heritagemakers.com/tour/ and find out more about Heritage Makers. Then go see more at my website www.countlessmemories.com. Please feel free to post any questions on this blog.

Real Memories

How many of you take photos? Of those of you who take photos how many of you are sharing them? Three years ago I was like many of you. My photos were saved on a flash drive and from time to time I would plug the flash drive into my computer when I or my children wanted to see pics of themselves. I really did not have any other options. I lacked the space, time and money to scrapbook, and I did not want to just print the photos off to put into a generic album or a inflexible album from a photo store. The flash drive seemed like my easiest and best option. Then a friend invited me to a Heritage Makers Party. I had never heard of Heritage Makers, but I thought what the heck it was worth a shot. After my friend explained it to me and I got to look at and hold the product I new Heritage Makes was for me. My head was swimming with ideas of things I could create with Heritage Makers. Not to mention I would not have to do it all on my own. They all ready had fully customizable templates that I could use. I was thrilled I would be able to tell the story behind my photos and those memories would be remembered forever because now I had the story written down for all to see.
I became a consultant the next day. Why did I choose Heritage Makers when there is so many other direct sales out there. I chose Heritage Makers because it fit me. I think that when you are looking at direct sales you need to look at a business that fits you. I love taking pictures and I love making memories. I love bringing beauty and character into my home. I wanted to share this amazing company with others and to help others write their stories. Pictures are just that pictures if they do not have a story.
The photo below is a pic of me and my Grandpa. My Grandpa past away when I was only 5 years old. The sadness I felt when he died was very real. Him and I had been very close and I missed him terribly when he past away. A year ago my grandma found this photo and wanted to give it to me. She told me that this pic was one of my Grandpa's favorite pics of him and I. She said that he was till carrying it in his billfold the day he died. Grandma could not remember when this pic was taken, but she did know how special this pic had been to my Grandpa. Can you imagine if this pic would have been just left to stay in that box. My Grandma was the only one who new the story with this picture. Now I can share this picture and the story with it to my kids. I can share a story of family and love.

Through this blog I will show you some of the amazing things I have done with Heritage Makers. Most importantly though I want to show you how you can do the same and help you write your stories. Memories are to precious to be just forgotten and or stuck away. If you do not tell your story then who will?